Song Parodies -> Dubya - Another Prick on the Wall
"The Wall, Part 2" Based on the performance by Pink Floyd
"Dubya - Another Prick on the Wall " Parody by Don Davis
Reprinted from

His base don't need no education

They just want more thought control

No evolution in the classroom

Darwin leave their kids alone

Hey! Darwin! Leave their kids alone!

They just wanna' keep - Mexicans out with a wall

That's why Dubya's just, another prick on the wall

They don't want no fornication

They don't need no birth control

No sex-ed, in any classrooms

Kinsey leave their kids alone

Hey! Kinsey! Leave their kids alone!

They just wanna' keep - Mexicans out with a wall

That's why Dubya's just, another prick on the wall

"Wrong, Do it again! If you don't vote Republican, yer can't have global warming. How can you ban condoms if yer don't vote Red State? You! Yes, you behind the Confessional, go backwards laddy!"
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Pacing: 3.0
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 1   1
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