Artist Summary -> John Denver

This is the most recent information about John Denver that has been submitted to whatfreaks. If we have more information about John Denver, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).

Our newest site, amIwrong has an albums order quiz where you need to put this performer's albums in order of release.

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Thank God I'm a Country Boy""Thank God I'm a DC Boy"CryHavoc
"Leaving On a Jetplane ""Heaving on a Jet Plane"Kelly
"Thank God, I'm A Country Boy""O Gawd! I'm A Gay Cowboy!"Matthias
"Take Me Home, Country Roads""Make Me Moan, Silicone"Matthias
"Thank God I'm a Country Boy""Bangs Mom, He's a Country Boy"Johnny B Baade
Nothing Submitted:

Nothing has been submitted for this performer yet in the following sections: Song Parody Recordings, Song Parody Fragments, Album Cover Parodies