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Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Aeroplane" parodied as: "Fetish Game" by Doc Woody
We all know Aeroplane is really about sadomasochism. I just provided the correct words.
MediaMax: (MP3) Submitted: September 16, 2007 (Comments)
R. Kelly, "You Remind Me Of Something" parodied as: "Something In My Teeth" by Daunte Lapree Carter
The story in this parody is about an ugly guy talking to a girl he wants to hook up with, but he also informs her of his lack of hygiene.
myspace: ((Myspace)wma) Submitted: May 23, 2010 (Comments)
Romantics, "Talking In Your Sleep" parodied as: "Farting in your sleep" by Parody Princess
the name says it all..
The Parody Princess: (Mp3) Submitted: September 26, 2010 (Comments)

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