Song Parodies -> Porn Star
"All Star" Based on the performance by Smash Mouth
"Porn Star" Parody by Big Boy
"Somebody once told me the world is going to roll me
as long as I donÆt give head
She was lookinÆ kind of dumb
with her mouth all full of cum
And a bit had sprayed on her forehead

Well the guys start cumming
and the wonÆt stop cumming
punch her stomach
and sheÆll start munging

DidnÆt make sense to take it up the bum
Your brain gets smart but itÆs full of cum
So many to do so much to see
So whats wrong taking it in the back seat

YouÆll never know if you donÆt go
YouÆll never get paid if you donÆt blow

Hey now youÆre a porn star
Give a blow job,get paid
Hey now youÆre a porn star
Give a hand job,get laid
Your face will glitter like gold
DoesÆnt matter if it tastes like mold

ItÆs a cool place and they say it gets colder
You will get warmer when you corn hole her
But the male stars beg to differ
You will get sick if you sniff her

The scenes we take
are getting kind of stale
When you eat her out,try not to inhale
Maybe you should try to be a model
but you got it up the ass so much that you waddle

Hey now youÆre a porn star
Give a blow job,get paid
Hey now youÆre a porn star
Give a hand job,get laid
Your face will glitter like gold
DoesÆnt matter if it tastes like mold

Hey now youÆre a porn star
Give a blow job,get paid
Hey now youÆre a porn star
Give a hand job,get laid
Your face will glitter like gold
DoesÆnt matter if it tastes like mold

Somebody once asked why I take it up the ass
IsnÆt it such a discrace
I said yep what a concept
I think thatÆs true myself
when your lifeÆs all whips and chains

Well the guys start cumming
and the wonÆt stop cumming
punch her stomach
and sheÆll start munging

DidnÆt make sense to take it up the bum
Your brain gets smart but itÆs full of cum
So many to do so much to see
So whats wrong taking it in the back seat

YouÆll never know if you donÆt go
YouÆll never get paid if you donÆt blow"
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111111111111111111111111111111111111111 - July 27, 2023 - Report this comment
and chris jericho is the new intercontentinal champion
1111111111111111111111111111111111 - July 27, 2023 - Report this comment

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