Song Parodies -> Porn Star
"All Star" Based on the performance by Smashmouth
"Porn Star" Parody by Radical X
"Somebody once told me this girl is gonna blow me
I got the biggest tool in the shed
She was rubbing herself some with her finger and her thumb
And asking to get some on her forehead
Well the guys start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed through the lips and I hit her face running
Didn't make sense not to f**k for fun
Your loins get hot but your head gets numb
So much to screw to get my fee
So what's wrong with tasting her ass cheeks
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never suck if you don't blow

Hey now you're a Nude Star
get your clothes off, get paid
Hey now you're a Porn Star
grab your strap-on get laid
And, oh, that Diggler is gold
just because he's got a great big pole

It's a hot place and they say it gets hotter
You're worried right now, wait 'til you see your daughter
Cause the meatier man's gettin' stiffer
Lookin' at the hole in the back of that b***h there
The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
The right-wing conservatives are closing in
But I got mine, now you get yours
That's the way I like it and I never quit porn


Somebody once asked could you share this piece of ass
I'll take the back if you take the face
She said yeah what a concept
I could use a little tool myself
And we could all use a little K....
Y! The guys start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed through the lips and I hit her face running
Didn't make sense not to f**k for fun
Your loins get hot but your head gets numb
So much to screw to get my fee
So what's wrong with tasting her ass cheeks
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never suck if you don't blow

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