Song Parodies -> Fuck Me With Your Hard Cock
"Hit Me With Your Best Shot" Based on the performance by Pat Benatar
"Fuck Me With Your Hard Cock" Parody by Breathe_into_me
Well you're the real deal with a long Cock I see
Just be sure to warn me if you got an STD
My pussy's wet, lets see how you lick it
Put out your tongue, move it right down to my anus!
Fuck me with your hard cock!

Oh yeah fuck me with your hard cock!
Thrust away!
You cum on my face, then you came on my tits
Then you bent over me to take a shit
Once we're done fucking i'll have to get some fresh air
after im done combing out my jizz filled hair
Fuck me with your hard cock!
Oh yes fuck me with your hard cock!
Fuck me with your hard cock!
Cum away!
You cum on with a hard on, you don't fuck slow
I can tell you've watched many porno shows
Oh fuck me with your hard cock!
Oh yeah fuck me with your hard cock!
Pound away!
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Pacing: 4.5
How Funny: 4.0
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 Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
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 5   1

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