Song Parodies -> Airing my hole
"Bohemian Rhapsody" Based on the performance by Queen
"Airing my hole" Parody by Jeff Eastburn
"Not a total parody, also not finished....."
"Airing out my anal pore.
Nobody seems to ask for more.
They seem to like it no better when I snore.
Airing out my anal pore.

Dreaming about the girl next door.
Can she stand the odor of my back door
Or will she pass out and hit the floor.
Airing out my anal pore.

I see a little silly wet hole of a man
Scaramouch Scaramouch, will you do the tardy fart-n-go
Thunderbutt IÆm lighting - very very frightening for me
Gallilehole, Gallilehole,
Gallilehole, Gallilehole,
Gallilehole Figaro û hooooooo , hole à.hole,àà.. hole

But I'm just a pore boy and nobody loves me
He's just a pore boy from a pore family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go - will you let me blow my hole

Miss Miller, can you smell my hole.
Miss Miller, can you smell my hole.
Miss Miller, can you smell my hole.
Hole, à.hole à.hole,àà.. hole.

Oh Mama mia, mama mia
Can you smell my hole.
Can you smell my hole.
Can you smell my hole.
Hole, à.holeà hole,à.. hole.
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Voting Results
Pacing: 2.7
How Funny: 3.0
Overall Rating: 3.7

Total Votes: 3
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 Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   1
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1
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