Song Parodies -> Another White Rabbit Parody
"White Rabbit" Based on the performance by Jefferson Airplane
"Another White Rabbit Parody" Parody by Laika The Space Dog
one pill cures your jitters
and one your acid flux
but there's one pill you should consider
if you're too damn old to fuck
try Cialis
when you got no balls

And if you go chasing poon tang
and you know you're bound to fail
you got no boom boom
in your wing wang
you're only nominally a male
try Cialis
when your dick is just small

then when the head on your pecker
starts to rip right thru your clothes
and you feel you could fuck a heifer
or an aardvark, up its nose

that's Cialis, and we're obliged to disclose
that erections lasting more than 4 hours
can occasionally explode
and when the state and county bomb squads
come and cordone off your bed
remember what the crack ho said:

(music stops. monologue:)
"Sheeit, get outta here with that thing...
You're like t' poke somebody's eye out!
Go on, git! I don't know what you're supposed
to do now, that's you're problem! Go paint
the house with it or somethin...'"
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Pacing: 4.0
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