Song Parodies -> Hanging Even Lower
"Hanging By A Moment" Based on the performance by Lifehouse
"Hanging Even Lower " Parody by Lon Brown
Desperately dangling, with no where to go
And if I were Chinese, they'd name me Two Hung Low
It's falling almost down onto my shoes
My scrotum's long enough to make the news
You feel it from your anus to your cooch
I'm hanging even lower than a pooch

Twenty pounds I'm packing, it touches both my feet
And if it was metallic, you'd see me sparking
Now it's falling almost down onto my shoes
My scrotum's long enough to make the news
You feel it from your anus to your cooch
I'm hanging even lower than a pooch
And every time I pull my zipper up
I'm praying that my testes won't get stuck
You feel it from your anus to your cooch
I'm hanging even lower than a pooch

To shoot a load of goo
Takes a long, long time
It's really something else
Always blows my mind

It's really something else
It's really something else
It's really something else

Desperately dangling, with no where to go
And if I were Chinese, they'd name me Two Hung Low

It's falling almost down onto my shoes
My scrotum's long enough to make the news
You feel it from your anus to your cooch
I'm hanging even lower than a pooch
I'm hanging even lower
I'm hanging even lower than a pooch
I'm hanging even lower
I'm hanging even lower than a pooch
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Pacing: 5.0
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sloshvictim - May 15, 2012 - Report this comment
Funny as fuck as expected!!!
MIKE - September 06, 2022 - Report this comment
MIIKE - June 17, 2023 - Report this comment

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