Song Parodies -> Jewish Guy
"Jealous Guy" Based on the performance by John Lennon
"Jewish Guy" Parody by Bruce Lev
A "Jewish" parody of John Lennon's song and video "Jealous Guy" (click "Show more" for the lyrics). Bruce Lev is himself a Jewish guy and hence knows and understands the "minutia" of what it's like to be a Jewish guy growing up and living in America. This musical parody makes fun of many of the more humorous aspects of American Jewish life, and which many in the American Jewish community have been making fun of themselves about over the past century. This music video parody was made not only to have some fun with these chosen aspects of American Jewish life, but also to once again make note of the engrained humor that Jewish people have within themselves and their culture, which has been one of the most enduring and important traits of the Jewish people throughout their history, and to which has helped carry them through nearly 6000 years of existence! View an original uncut video version of John Lennon's song and video for "Jealous Guy" at: You can also buy the song "Jewish Guy" by Bruce Lev for on 99¢ at: Also, Check out my Facebook, Twitter, and Music pages: iTunes link:
I was eating Matzah Brie.
I found a piece of ham inside.
Then I slowly dropped my fork.
When I found that I ate pork.

I didn't mean to insult you.
I'm sorry that I made your Bubbie cry.
Lox & Bagels/Potato Latkes would have been better.
'Cause....I'm just a Jewish Guy.

My Bar-Mitzvah brought me cash.
College bonds I spent too fast.
So I had to go to work.
A doctor, lawyer, or accounting clerk.

I didn't mean to squander.
I really meant to pay on time.
My mother made me feel so guilty.
'Cause... I'm just a Jewish Guy.

Found myself a shiksa girl.
I do exist within her world.
We celebrate each holiday.
Zadie had to say, "Oy Vey!"

I know I asked to convert you.
Put on skirts and socks like a maidel would wear.
Act mashugana without you.
'Cause... I'm just a Jewish Guy.
L'Chaim! I'm just a Jewish Guy.
Shalom! I'm just a Jewish Guy.
Copyright 2013
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 1   1
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