Artist Summary -> Silver Power [Vanilla Nutsack]

This is the most recent information about Silver Power [Vanilla Nutsack] that has been submitted to whatfreaks. If we have more information about Silver Power [Vanilla Nutsack], then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).

July 26 "Hustler feat. T-Pain" by Silver Power [Vanilla Nutsack] a parody of "An Original Work" by Silver Power [Vanilla Nutsack]
A freestyle sampling Van McCoy's 'The Hustle', featuring T-Pain singing on the choruses. Well, not really, but I'm using Auto-tune. Same thing. Soundclick: (MP3) (Comments)
July 26 "Damn, Son, I Wanna Fuck You In The Bun" by Silver Power [Vanilla Nutsack] a parody of "An Original Work" by Silver Power [Vanilla Nutsack]
An ode to anal sex. Samples 'I Miss You' by Blink-182. Soundclick: (MP3) (Comments)
Nothing Submitted:

Nothing has been submitted for this performer yet in the following sections: Song Lyric Parodies, Song Parody Fragments, Album Cover Parodies