Song Parodies -> Recordings -> Submission Form

Before you submit, take the time to read the following:

  • Please link to the page with the actual parody on it. Do not link to your homepage.
  • Parodies dealing with excessive profanity or sexual topics will totally be approved if they aren't lame/
  • Please limit your submissions to one song per performer, per day
  • Whatfreaks does not have the ability to host files. You must find your own webspace for hosting files.
  • Only the owner of the song being linked to, is allowed to post a file.
  • No CLIPS. Complete songs only! NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • You must complete all fields. Partially completed entries are never approved.
  • No stand up comedy pieces, prank calls, etc. This is for funny music only.

Should be something like
Who sang the version of the song, that yours is based on. If this is an original piece of work, enter NONE in all captial letters and nothing else.
What is the title of the original song. If this is an original piece of work, enter NONE in all captial letters and nothing else.
The name of the person performing the new version.
The name of the new song.
What type of format is the music stored, list all available: Mp3, OGG, Real Audio, Windows Media, Flash, Quicktime, etc.
Shouldn't be more than one or two sentences about what the song is about.
What is the name of the website that published the web page you are linking to?
Used for tracking how many submissions individuals have made. Not displayed to the public or given out to companies, etc. If we need to reject a parody, we'll let you know why, unless it's obvious you didn't read the rules.
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