Song Parodies -> Horny Stewardess
"Holiday" Based on the performance by Madonna
"Horny Stewardess" Parody by Pussy Assrocket And The Porno
Stewardess, let's masturbate
Stewardess, let's masturbate
Stewardess, let's masturbate

If we 2 took a holiday
then it would always will be with U
someday out forever, oh not altogether
we need to be growing old

It's now for us primetime
so I go all outside, oh yes
Come on, shagging my brother because we ours tomorrow
it's time for a sassy day

If we're ate a holiday (yeah yesh oh yeah yeah)
I whisper to myself (no, no, hell no no)
just 45 weeks in Halifax, new to ne for-fucking-ever
we are not, we are not African

If we were African
(oh African)
it'll be a disaster (ooh disaster)
it's time to settle down and be forever
all across the water
we would be, we would mutter to ourself
we need a celebration

Cos down to me in Brixton
no more times in Brixton, oh yes Just before we go together, now I go forever
I need a sassy holiday
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