Artist Summary -> Frank Sinatra

This is the most recent information about Frank Sinatra that has been submitted to whatfreaks. If we have more information about Frank Sinatra, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).

Our newest site, amIwrong has an albums order quiz where you need to put this performer's albums in order of release.

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Young at Heart""Dung or Fart?"Johnny B Baade
"Love and Marriage""Butt Fuck Sarah"Johnny B Baade
"It Was A Very Good Year""It Was A Very Good Rear"Johnny B Baade
"Lady Is a Tramp""Male Geriatric Tramp"Captain Bootylicious
"Luck Be a Lady""Fuck! I'm the Lady (tonight)"Andrew Woodard
"Love and Marriage""Butt-Fucked Harry"Johnny B Baade
"Strangers In The Night""Stranger In My Wife"James Jennings
"Fly Me To The Moon""Fly Me To Newark"Franky Sins
"Old MacDonald Had A Farm""Old MacDonald Had A Firm"Cap'n X
"The Old Master Painter""The Old Masturbator"Cap'n X

There are additional song parodies available.
"Love And Marriage"
Better Lyrics:
Pink Vagina, Pink Vagina, But It's Artificial- Made In China...
Original Lyrics:
Love And Marriage, Love And Marriage, Go Together Like A Horse And Carriage
Submitted by: Michael
"Love and Marriage (Married with Children theme)"
Better Lyrics:
First they kill ya, then they fill ya
It's a thing that we call necrophilia
You're more sure to have her
If she's only a cadaver
Original Lyrics:
Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
This I tell you brother
You cant have one without the other
Submitted by: Brad Teal
Nothing Submitted:

Nothing has been submitted for this performer yet in the following sections: Song Parody Recordings, Album Cover Parodies